Sunday 6 November 2016

Late night ramblings

Hello Internet so this is my first proper blog post and I hope you like it. There is something you should know about me before I start.... I'm a procrastinator, I always leave things to the last minute and I think I actually say I'll get to it eventually at least ten times a day, whether it is just getting ready to go out thinking I have plenty of time to get ready and before I know it only have 10 minutes or I sometimes I put off more important things like emailing people back. The worst I have been was packing for a weekend away where put of packing till 4 am the morning we were leaving quite early so I got about 3 hours of sleep that day.

What I'm trying to say is don't expect some sort of routine I'm not going to promise that I will upload a new blog post ever week etc cause I'm not organised enough for that what I am hoping to do, at least for the time being, is one blog post a month whether it's about something that I have done or has happened to me or it could just be some rambling blog post about nothing in particular.
This blog post is about what happened about 2-3 weeks ago, so here we go. 

Here I am again 3 am and wide awake and with what seems as no hope at all of sleep any time soon. Now I've always been a bit of a night owl, I blame books as a child I would always hide under my duvet promising myself that I would go to sleep after I finish this chapter and ended up reading at least 5 more chapters. It weird to think that staying up late was once a challenge and now has become a force of habit, I literally can't remember the last time I fell asleep before 3 am never mind before midnight and although I normally get enough sleep I'm always tired, it has gotten to the point where people always say to me "I don't think that I have never known you not to be tired" or "you could sleep for a thousand years and you would still be tired". Now I will admit that I probably don't have the best sleeping habits, for instance I normally have my TV or laptop on and before you start yes I know that I probably shouldn't do that cause it stimulates my brain blah blah blah, honestly it's very rare that I sleep without my laptop or TV on.
You see I have found that when I'm left in silence alone with my thoughts my brain goes into overdrive and turns into this evil creation that is hell bent on keeping me awake, asking ridiculous questions for example, have you ever wondered why a bed is called a bed? Who decided the name of colours and why is writing in black and blue somehow more serious that writing in bright pink or orange? Why is a desk called a desk? Who made the table and who decided to make the legs shorter and call it a coffee table? Why do we call it a coffee table? I guess some people may call it a tea table but why is it more commonly known as a coffee table?. Sometimes my brain is incredibly cruel and reminds me of ever embarrassing situation I've been in and makes me relive it in soul crushing detail.

Sometimes it is my own fault that I've stayed up too late, like the other day I had manged to stay up till 4 am playing on the sims, I mean one minute it was 7 pm and all of a sudden it was 4 am how that happened I'll never know. The main place where time seems to disappear is the internet, now I could live without the internet I would rather not but I could do it, I mean I would be more than happy to sit in a peaceful cottage surrounded by woods, curled up in a massive armchair in front of a roaring fire with my books and dvds and of course my dog Shadow would have to be but if I had just that I would be happy. However something happened earlier today, something terrible .... the power went out. The lights were fine and so were the fuses but for some unknown reason all the power sockets had stopped working and suddenly there was no TV, no wifi and my phone had very little battery left, now I know what you are thinking first world problems and yes you are right there are must worse things then having no internet or TV and in the grand scheme of things a dead phone is trivial but I was missing Strictly Come Dancing. Ok so everything came back on within half an hour and I managed to catch up on Strictly on the Iplayer but for those 30 minutes I felt like part of me was missing, I kept going on my phone to check facebook and twitter and realised that I couldn't and I noticed that I need the internet. Now I'm saying that I wanted to upload a selfie or what I had for dinner, but I missed talking to people and yes and I know that I could call people or go downstairs but I missed talking to people that I wouldn't be able to talk to so quickly and efficiently without the internet I have friends and family around the world that I wouldn't be able to talk to without the internet or wouldn't have know at all. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have the internet whether you use it to connect with old friends or make new ones and I think that is pretty special. 

So here I am at 3:30 am and still no hope of falling asleep and probably about to get sucked into the weird vortex of YouTube I have already gone from vlogs to packing up and moving videos, baking videos, dogs uses the stairs for the first time and now I'm on meeting my long distance boyfriend/girlfriend/friend videos and people after the got they wisdom teeth taken out.... don't ask.

Here is hoping that I fall asleep before I fall any further down the rabbit hole into the Wonderland that is YouTube, that is if my friends who I have been on Skype to for the past 4 hours stop talking to me and tagging me in memes. I would end the Skype call but they have been away for a while and I've missed them so I will probably continue the tradition of falling asleep on Skype while those two idiots of mine keep watching Buffy. 

Talk soon 

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